Wednesday, 13 April 2011

As I Am

Hey a crazy fantastic day today! Went all the way to Sitiawan with JJ for our NS Christian Class teacher's birthday celebration! His dad works near there, so I got to tag along. We called 3 other friends but all were working =/ babi lu, Joshi Loo! :P

Going there took a while because of traffic, but it was a nice ride, chatting and all. Halfway though, the air conditioning broke down! It was like, seriously warmmmm in there. Thank God there were only 2 of us, cus we fit nicely into the teacher's car, at 5 people in total.

But first things first. We went to his dad's workplace (obviously), which is the Lumut coal power plant, which was HUUUUUUGE! And I mean every single letter of it! Pics!

The conveyor belt.. All the way from the port to the coal plant!

Some... cool looking buildings!

A huge stack of COAL. There are a dozen of them. I guess I mean 24. I guess that's a huge amount of coal. My friend said it could last the year out.

Coal mounds and... cool buildings!

More cool buildings.

Then we caught up with our teacher! He took us to a car repair shop as our car's air conditioning was busted. We followed him around in his car. Visited his house, then went for LUNCH! :D Awesome, delicious. The funny thing is he footed the bill eventhough it's his birthday. Mann. Heh. Dropped by Teluk Batik for a look, then went to Marina Island for a jawdropping look! It's a man-made island, and the bridge leading to it is pretty spectacular.

Well, at the end of the day headed back. Teacher even gave us presents for HIS birthday! I think you should know why everybody loves him, he is really a generous, joyous soul :)

Monday, 11 April 2011

What Life Is

Hey all. I'm back from church camp, which was at Cameron Highlands! Awesome times up there - first day itself got myself a neat Arsenal jacket, and chapati! XD everything's good! Played some modern cardgames my cousin loaned out to us graciously, and spent time well there, definitely. (We went up on Friday!)

Second day was on for worship, so privileged to be! Preacher was charismatic, cool and confident, and certainly gave us points to ponder, and of course a smattering of jokes all over! Well, after Day 2 session, (Day 1 was more like R&R, the program proper begins on Day 2) we went for steamboat at a nearby restaurant. Served us plenty, and there was a LOT of noodles left over, I kid you not. We actually requested to take back the steamboat pot, and secured it XD. Back for another night of games and lepaking around, and later retired to my room.

We played till we- wait. No! But it was fun XD

Day 3 had another session, things happened. And well, after everything, had lunch at the same restaurant, but this time was Chinese style! Meaning that we ordered big plates of dishes and all. My family went back early and we stopped on the way for tea, caught some scones! Pretty good, better than the one my sis ordered at the mamak (like seriously! Don't ever do that, order scones at mamak), which was as hard as cement. She made a gigantic mess trying to cut pieces off =P. And it rained on the way back, so it misted up!

Something like this!

Oh, and back at Ipoh! Managed to catch Sam's surprise birthday party, though more by chance than by choice. Almost kidnapped Joshi Loo along but he had a dinner, so I was a bit bummed =/ But nevertheless, I went! Then accidentally bumped into Sam at the washroom (imagine the stunned look on my face when I saw him in the mirror) and had to spit some random story about friends being late and all. Haha. We stopped by Black Canyon with Fong, who was taking Sam, and pretended to have dinner. Or so to speak. Cake came later, rather than sooner. Hahah. Managed to catch the first half of the game, Arsenal won! :D

Then we went to watch "Just Go With It", had a blast of a night. So yeah. Pictures @ Judith's blog so I don't have to feel guilty, hehe :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Life and All It Is

Hey there, my beautiful blog. Well to start off, spent most of my day (well, I slept in the whole morning! nuts) with JY, lunch-ing with 'im and Ian @ Parade. Saw Henry Ting there! What chance, lol. Wanted to visit a friend's mum, a couple of mix-ups meant we just dropped off the giftcard&chocs to him at his house, as she was already gonna be discharged when we wanted to go. But well, caught a DotA game with Joses at Joon Yang's house (LOL!) so it wasn't all too bad :)

On a side note, I am a very indecisive blogger. Heh. Here's a list of post (titles) and first lines that I never posted.

Volumes of
A Brand New Start/Under the Influence
Use Somebody
 - The website's still a bit raw. Haha.
Type type type
Tear-apart Trilemma
Here We Go
 - Raya was, unglamorous to say the least.
Yes now, there's this issue of bass guitar cravings. Well, have already set a personal goal - earn enough cash for a bass guitar by the end of 2012! :D I guess that's about it. That's all there is to it. Yeah. Yeah!

BrATs Essay - Excerpts

Here's the draft of an essay I wrote during the CNY holidays for my application to BrATs (the Star teen's journalist camp!). You may or may not find this interesting. Reader discretion is advised.

-untouched, unedited and raw.-

The name is Abel. I represent the 3rd generation of my family to permanently reside in this glorious country called Malaysia. Although my grandfather was born here in Malaya as it was known, my grandma came all the way from China to look for him, carrying only a picture of them. Come to think of it, my granddad, father, and of course I are all well travelled (my travel log is of course still a work in progress). Of course, their stories are not mine to tell, but here I entrust mine to you!

My paternal side is of Hakka descent, while my mother is Hokkien. A very unfortunate result of this union is that I cannot speak Chinese! Due to my parents not having any dialects in common, they converse in English which has become my mother tongue of sorts. But that doesn't meant I don't have a grasp on my local dialect, Cantonese, which is relatively decent, to say the least! Other characteristics which are inherited are a need for glasses, a thin build and curly hair! The first and the last being from my mum, and the similarities in our face can be summed up in an exclamation from my aunt, "my gosh, you look exactly like (my mum)!" while I was holidaying over with her.

Among other things that seem to run in the family - music! A family of cousins consist of talented, experienced musicians and I am happy to stand among them as youthful maestros. Throughout my primary school education, I was lined up a side dish of piano lessons, and I took it up halfheartedly. The interest and love for the art only started to blossom at the ascension from lower secondary to upper secondary school, and I took up a year of guitar classes. Not long after, I began to pick up bass guitar myself, of course with the help of the wealth of resources of the internet, and also a senior in the school Christian Fellowship, who has been picked up to play for a bunch of college graduations! I am glad I have been given every opportunity to diversify my talents, attaining a good measure of versatility!

Speaking of secondary school, I have had a fruitful time of extra co-curricular activities to immerse myself in. My time started with hours in the school Scrabble team, in which we qualified for the nationals two years in a row, and culminated in us being crowned Perak Champions! The state competitions were disbanded right after that, but thankfully I was also part of the school Robotics team, and for this we went all the way to the nationals, finishing at eigth place! In upper secondary came Anderson School's 100th year centenary celebrations, and I was a member of the school Leo Club during the duration! The Leo Club of Anderson is the oldest Leo Club in Multiple District 308, covering the countries of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei! At the end of my time in the club, I received a Merit Secretary award for my contribution as a secretary and Leo to the District. I was also appointed Treasurer of the Red Crescent Society, my marching unit in school.

Well, it's been too much about what I do, too little who I am, hasn't it? Well, now. If I had to choose three words to describe myself, it would be sociable, easygoing and driven! As a baby, my dad describes me as "silent", which was a good thing! But once I discovered the art of speaking, I became a pretty noisy child! Thankfully I also had a tremendous appetite for reading, which is a quality I possess till this day. My uncle once took me to Singapore, and I parked myself in the bookshop while he went shopping! He said it was a guarantee I would be there for hours on end. It's a good thing though, as a policeman I once met comments that foreigners just love to read. (cont'd  elsewhere, will not bother to gather it and post it up)


Monday, 4 April 2011

Future In Your Hands

Well, hey!

I'ts been an awesome 2 weeks after National Service (make that 3 now that I'm finally finishing this post up), get to see all the Ipoh peeps, great buddies and more and more!

Heh on futsal spree this weekend, thank God I'm still alive! Playing in the best form of your entire life is certainly pretty fun! Improved confidence from the front to the back :) And made a bunch of new futsal kaki, that's NEVER bad! Quite awesome actually-

Splendid. Till next time, which will be soon.