Tuesday, 8 July 2008

... The Scourge

Let's see... Watched and listened to the song "Healer", sung by Mike Guglielmucci. It is a powerful song. You can catch the vids on youtube, better yet watch the song story. Mike moved to Sydney to be closer to a specialist hospital. He's going through cancer, and requires an oxygen tank that "plugs" oxygen into his nostrils.

It is a powerful song, even just the chorus.
I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
Been going over the chords to adjust key, since it's a bit low for generally everyone. Works fine now =).

Next, Monday was... rather "as usual". But stayed back for robotics, did nonsense there. My "friend" brought his laptop. There was X on it. My friend went and hid it all. God is always good. Tuition, got annoying fat people as usual, although I don't think you'll know what I mean.

Tuesday, uneventful day at school. Other than my friend misstepping into the drain, and poking himself on a nail... Should've taken his tetanus jab by now. After school, Shas SMSed, because he wanted to go do stuff. But I forgot to take my phone to my room, so he questioned me online. In the end, went to watch Hancock while waiting for his car to be washed, and went to buy artblock for the MC blur queen. Did some other stuff too, will release details soon enough. Now, I'm blogging, because a bunch of my friends have run out of credit.

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